The Salvation Army Kapiti
41 Bluegum Road Paraparaumu Beach, Wellington 5032Messy Church on the 1st Saturday of the month
Contact: Kayla Tong
022 013 9370
kayla.tong@salvationarmy.org.nzWebsite: https://www.salvationarmy.org.nz/centres/nz/lower-north-island/paraparaumu/kapiti-corps
St. Hilda's Upper Hutt
35-37 Cruickshank Road Upper Hutt, Wellington 5018Messy Church @ 4pm-6pm 2nd Sunday of the month
Contact: Church Office
04 526 6014
Website: https://www.sthildasuh.co.nz/ -
St. Phillip's Stokes Valley
4 Rawhiti Street Stokes Valley, Lower Hutt, Wellington 5019Messy Church @ 4pm on the 2nd Sunday of the month
Contact: Julia Coleman
04 977 1984
julia.silverstream@gmail.comWebsite: http://www.stphilipsrevive.nz/
Hutt City Uniting Congregations
Cnr Poto Road/Stratton St, Lower Hutt, Wellington 5010Contact: Frances Lamborn
04 586 2115
frances.david.nz@gmail.comWebsite: https://hcuc.co.nz/
Hutt City Baptist Church
Church Address: 132-146 High Street, Central Lower Hutt, , Lower Hutt 5010, New Zealand
Church Website: http://huttbaptist.org.nz
Please enter the day, time and frequency of your Messy Church event: Sundays 4pm - 6pm twice per school term. We are trying one event and will review
Messy Church Contact Person: Jacqui Bardsley
Email: jacqui@huttbaptist.org.nz
Phone: 02 764 60744
St. Anne's Northland-Wilton
cnr Nortland/Randwick Roads Northland Wellington, Wellington 6012Messy Church @ 4pm-6pm every 3rd Sunday of the month
Contact: Paul and Catherine McIntosh
021 408 179
stanneswellington@gmail.comWebsite: https://st-anne-wellington.org.nz/
Wellington Anglican Chinese Mission
30 Glenmore St Wellington, Wellington 6012Messy Church @ 4pm on the 2nd Saturday of the month
Contact: Jimmy Luey
021 164 2593
jimmy.luey217@gmail.comWebsite: http://www.acm-wgtn.org.nz/