Cromwell Presbyterian Church
10 Elspeth Street Cromwell, Otago 9310Messy Church is on once a school term
Contact: Jaimie Phipps
03 445 3078
kidschurch4cromwell@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.cromchurch.co.nz/
The Salvation Army, Oamaru
225 Thames Street Oamaru, Otago 9444Messy Church @ 6pm on the last Friday of each school term
Contact: Kathie Garbett or Bridget McLay
03 434 8413
kathleen_garbett@salvationarmy.org.nzWebsite: https://www.salvationarmy.org.nz/centres/nz/otago-southland/oamaru
Salvation Army Alexandra
37 Royal Terrace Alexandra, Otago 9320Messy Church @ 3pm on the 3rd Sunday of the month
Contact: Sue
03 448 9436
alexandra_corps@nzf.salvationarmy.orgWebsite: https://www.salvationarmy.org.nz/centres/nz/otago-southland/alexandra
Macandrew Bay School
488 Portobello Road Macandrew Bay Dunedin, Otago 9014Messy Church @ 7:30am on Fridays during school terms
Contact: Church Office
03 454 4724
purdie.family@xtra.co.nzSt. Mark's Green Island
27 Shand St Green Island Dunedin, Otago 9018We only hold Messy Church once a term now, the date is usually the week school ends. My phone number is 0273515171.
Contact: Jan Clark
03 455 6032
janclark8260@gmail.comWebsite: http://stmarks.scd.org.nz/
Mosgiel Salvation Army
4 Lanark Street, Mosgiel, 9024, Mosgiel 9024, New ZealandContact: Rob van Abs